Technology Office Dr. Lutz Ose
Advanced Technology Consulting
"Ideas Have No Limits"

Ideas have no limits because they are born from creativity.
Technology is born from imagination how to use ideas.
Innovation makes successful business from creative technology ideas.

Excitement about technical challenges.
To provide relevant scientific and technical information to convert these challenges into economic success and long-term efficiency.
To enable technical solutions that maximum suit.
Clients benefit from the combination of long-year experiences and broad-range expertise with a huge worldwide network.
Clients get especially future oriented support.
Clients have a strategic partner for technologies and advanced materials.
I have the strong believe that technologies ensure both high efficiency and long-term success and growth of enterprises.
I promise trustful, partner-like co-operation.
I am convinced that ideas, creative and innovative thinking have no limits.
Technology Office
Dr. Lutz Ose with a lot of experience in finding and adapting new technologies leading to innovation, using a worldwide technology network including technology scouts

In a steadily more technical and more competitive environment, companies need to be innovative.
My target is to assist companies in their innovation activities according to their specific scientific, technical, and technological needs.
Technology Office offers advanced technology consulting, based on
profound technical knowledge in electrical engineering and material applications, and long-year experiences in research and development, obtained in the wide range from the basics to managing several R&D teams,
thorough research in several knowledge pools,
worldwide connections of a broad technology network,
abilities for technology scouting in high-tech regions, and
the focus on disruptive and highly topical technologies, high-tech companies and interesting potential research partners.