Technology Office Dr. Lutz Ose
Advanced Technology Consulting

Responsible for the content of this website:
Dr. Lutz Ose
Technology Office
Kilgenweg 34
D-75447 Sternenfels
Tel.: +4917655670669
Email: lutz.ose@technology-office.de
Website: www.technology-office.de
Tax ID: DE 3444 04 829
Services are provided at the customer's place or online.
Registered office is in Sternenfels.
Place of jurisdication: 75433 Maulbronn
Responsible for the content according to the
German law § 10 section 3 MDStV: Dr. Lutz Ose
Design / programming:
Dr. Lutz Ose
Technology Office
Kilgenweg 34
D-75447 Sternenfels
Tel.: +4917655670669
Email: lutz.ose@technology-office.de
Website: www.technology-office.de
Cover picture:
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1 July 2023